Sunday 29 January 2012

Hello my names Danielle and i am a fashion victim...

welcome to Thats wat she wore,
My experiment into suddenly having much time and a fashion addiction.

I'm 24, have pale skin blue eyes and red hair, Im size 14 (almost a 12)
I work in event management and I have a small secret ...

I still play dress ups! 

This blog is my validation, I will now have a legitimate reason to document that outfit I so painstakingly put together for that coffee with cute hotel BDM, Friday night drinks, lunch with the girls or just because lets face it the first thing you want to do with a newly bought clothing item is play dress ups...

Shoes- are by far my favorite fashion item... a close friend once remarked that one could entertain a Danielle all day simple by hiding shoes around the place an telling her to go seek them.
These particular shoes are a favorite of mine, They are very special shoes - (ok, they wont take you to kansas if if you click them twice however they have a fantastic effect on an empty cocktail glass come friday night!) My Best GFs (dam stylish bunch) bought these for me on my last birthday, they were the final touches on another brilliant allannah outfit.

Allannah Hill - its a love affair that started with my year 10 formal dress hunt... ironically i didn't end up wearing an allannah dress that night, it did however start a now almost decade long obsession resulting in at least 1/3 of my wardrobe bearing that familiar red and gold label.
Allannah is the epitome of feminine fashion in my opinion and perfectly combines sex appeal and understated glamour. you should expect her wonderful creations to pop up frequently.

Phantom menace ... Love Never Dies.

Saturday Night saw me channel my fashion powers for an unusual cause, 
Lady like glam! 

The reason for this... Love Never Dies!

My loverly sister Larissa (who is also the brains behind Little Pudding- do check it out) bought tickets to the Phantom of the Opera Sequel as a christmas present for herself, Mum & I. 
(I can recommend that anyone who loved Phantom of the Opera buy a ticket as its totally worth the time.) We don't get out as just the three of us too often anymore so we thought we'd make a night of it and try out one of the newest of the Merivale offerings - Felix, for dinner that night, have to say it was a great night and a fantastic brassiere - check out the pretty snaps! 

After several out fit changes I landed on the below outfit choice, Allannah Hill! 
Raspberry open backed, silk cocktail dress with wittner Red sequined dorothy-est. heels. 

More soon...

